

Throughout this blog I've highlighted and created links to exceptional individuals and organizations who design thoughtful homes, environmentally responsible communities and historically based building products. Some of them are local to me, while others I've yet to meet. They are exceptional because at some point in their careers, be it a moment in time or countless hours spent around a conference room table, they decided to do what was right...even though their wallets might be fatter if they just followed the crowd. Their hard work and dedication to their chosen craft is now paying dividends in the form of homes and communities that will age gracefully and be admired for generations to come...and maybe even be an inspiration to others, like they were to me.

Thomas J. Ryan, Jr. - Architect

Like most of the internet, blogs read from newest to oldest entry...this one works best by reading the first three posts in chronological order, starting with the Welcome! post. Just scroll down on the right side of this page until you see the Blog Archive on 2011, then scroll down to the bottom after the new page appears. Please email me with any comments and thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Do Modern Homes have Architectural Patterns?

I spent a week last December in Phoenix, Arizona at a conference put on by Hanley Wood, called Reinvention.  This yearly gathering (held in a different city each year) draws residential architects from around the country interested in recharging their creative batteries with well organized, inspiring and thought-provoking programs. There are a variety of seminars and lively panel discussions as well as an all day housing tour - usually the highlight of the conference.

As I walked through each thoughtfully designed home I couldn't help thinking to modern homes have architectural patterns?
I'll share some of my thoughts this week...